Search Results

There are 72 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Ken Davy".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 72

11. "To boldly go where no robot has gone before"

I am sure Star Trek would have flopped had it just been a bunch of robots exploring the galaxies; it needed great characters to bring it alive for its followers.

Tags: Ken Davy, robo-advice, FSCS
By Ken Davy
12. "The historic significance of pension freedoms"

On my first day in financial services in 1970, I was taught about the vital importance of the Life Assurance Act of 1774, which introduced insurable interest.

Tags: Ken Davy, Pensions
By Ken Davy
13. Davy: providers should pay lion's share of FSCS fees

Product providers should contribute most of the running costs of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, Ken Davy has said.

Tags: Ken Davy, FSCS
By Ken Davy
14. "'Steady as she goes' is best form of financial advice"

Now that Theresa May has formerly triggered Article 50, are we going to make a dog’s breakfast of Brexit or can we look forward to dining at the Ritz?

Tags: Ken Davy, Brexit
By Ken Davy
15. 'Platforms should contribute to FSCS levy' - Ken Davy

Ken Davy has called on platforms to contribute to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme's (FSCS) levy alongside advisers, in response to the regulator's consultation on the scheme's funding system.

Tags: Ken Davy, FSCS
By Ken Davy
16. "Three cheers for FAMR one year on"

Regulator released Financial Advice Market Review recommendations and updates on progress

Tags: Ken Davy, FAMR, FCA, FSCS
By Ken Davy
17. "Treat all those you care for with love while you can"

As this is my first column for about seven weeks it will be a very personal one and I would like to start by thanking the many hundreds of financial advisers and others in our great profession who have sent messages of condolence and support to me on the sudden loss of my beloved wife, Jennifer. 

Tags: Ken Davy
By Ken Davy
18. "Scottish Widows addresses FSCS funding issue"

As regular readers of this column will know, I have campaigned for more than two decades for the regulator to radically change how the FSCS is funded.

Tags: Ken Davy, FSCS
19. "Times change, but savings advice is still needed"

One of the most notable years for me was 1963. Jennifer and I had just bought our first house for the princely sum of £1,400, which back then seemed an awful lot of money.

Tags: Ken Davy, FSCS, FCA
20. Davy attacks Opperman's 'backward' £25k consumer detriment move

SimplyBiz chairman Ken Davy has slammed pension minister Guy Opperman for a ‘backward’ announcement that guaranteed annuity rate (GAR) holders with sub-£30,000 pots will no longer need advice.

Tags: Ken Davy, GAR

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 72

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